How To Clear a Container in nigeria
Freight Forwarder

How To Clear a Container in nigeria.

2017-08-19 | 6185 Print Friendly Version of this pagePrint Get a PDF version of this webpagePDF


We are pleased to introduce to you our financing program as far as the container clearance is concern, This is the first of its kind in this sector. The reason why we are introducing this opportunity is to ensure that we give more importers an avenue to excel. Most of the importers fall in the hand of the dubious clearing agents by giving them money and at the end of the day it will become stories and they will begin to be asking for more money. That is why we ask any of the importer to pay a down payment of 70% of whatever the total bill is.

We will ensure that we give you an accurate quotation and if you are not okay with it then you can go and source for another agent, We do not want to give a quote that will put the integrity of the company at stake, We do not want to come back and start asking for more fund. Some clearing agent will lure importers to pay a little then they will start sucking them at the end of the middle of the transaction. Our core value is integrity, intelligent and energy. We can start by financing and sponsoring your documentation which include, Form M, Pre-arrival –Assessment –Report (PAAR), Son-cap, Import permit and any documentation that has to do with your container clearance, We also do financing on cars clearance, We get you a valuation that is genuine form the valuation department, Kindly note that it is at the benefit of the importers to ensure that the clearing agent do collect inside valuation and not outside. A lot of importers want a cheap price and that is why they fall victim of wrong clearing agent. A well to do clearing agent must be able to finance 30% of the total clearance of his importers good and services. Kindly note that the finance option is guided by terms and condition which will include both clearing agent and importers should sign before moving forward. We are not bank and we do not want to tie our resources down. Sometimes the documentation of container can be so hectic and costly if the importers do not have necessary papers for the clearance and this make importers feel like he or she is paying too much. We advise importers to make sure they do the needful and be open to their clearing agent as to be able to know where to come in.



A. A customer checks our website and submits inquiry form.

B. A customer sends us a pro- forma invoice stamped by the manufacturer.

C. A customer will then inform us to go ahead and do the documentation and then we will agree and see if it a job we can finance after the customer has read the terms and conditions, If the customer agree to go ahead, then the company will go ahead and request 70% and we collect our balance after the delivery of the job.

D. Importers will submit all document regarding the goods imported and if the importers does not have then he or she will inform us so that we can assist in guiding the importers, the importer and the clearing agent must agree,

E. we deliver to anywhere in Nigeria but the finance does not cover transportation or trucking to the destination including container deposit which is refundable or sometimes we will cover a container deposit depending on the agreement.



As soon as the customer ship the container from oversea, It is advisable to let us know on time, It is important because most of the importers wait till the arrival of the container and this can create an avenue for the demurage.We have no control over demurage.The fact remain that a container demurrages can be so high that it will be amounted to the cost of the shipping the container from over sea if care is not taken. We advise 100% for the the importer to be careful of demur- age, we are not liable for the mistake that will result to the demur age.



In every business there must be a terms and condition applied to it.We are not a financial institution and we are not planning to be tying our money down so that we can be able to attend to our other customers, Kindly note that we can only sponsor 10 container in one month and anything beyond that the importer will be responsible 100% for his or her clearance. After the clearance of the container out of the port, the customer will be informed and we expected of the importer to come with the balance of the 30% after inspection of his container, we can only clear out of the port premises outside where we can offload. We are not responsible for trucking or transportation to anywhere, We can arrange trucks as we have that at our disposal but 100% down payment have to be made before the driver proceed.Asa result of the importer from not be able to pay at the appropriate time, The container will be charged 10,000 daily and this will be kept in the warehouse and the customer will be responsible for the payment incur as a result of the warehousing and after one months of default in making payment we shall result in confiscating of the container and the company reserve right to open the container and remove any goods that can cover our money and the container will be abandoned. We do not want these to happen and that is why we will be appealing to the importer to let the clearing agent know everything before proceeding. We are not responsible for any refund that results to the demurrage.

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Tosin Daramola

I am a licensed clearing agent with the experience in the freight and forwarding industry, my expertise covers all areas of custom works and am hard working individual that provide all the consulting needed for my clients successful clearance of goods. You can reach me via 234-8099050213 or 01-2911515 and read more about my experience and job handling on this blog, which will shed more light to how you can select and manage your freights or consignments with us.

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